
CSMMT's hotkeys usually work, but don't whenever I run a certain Online Game.  There are no error messages displayed...  What’s wrong?

Certain Online Games use Anti-Hack Software Solutions such as GameGuard or HackShield.  Anti-Hack Software attempts to block Macro programs, Keyloggers, and any potential form of automation.  Anti-Hack Software does this by stopping the installation of hooks, intercepting messages sent to any application other than the game, blocking the injection of DLL's into running processes, etc.  This effectively can cripple many programs running on a system, even programs that are not cheating related.  CSMMT is no exception here...

Though CSMMT is not a keylogger, bot, or hacking tool, it does not operate at a low enough level to not be bothered by some Anti-Hack software.  Anti-Hack software can get underneath CSMMT and inhibit its ability to function properly.  There is not much that can be done to stop this...  CSMMT may still work, but almost guaranteed its Macro detection will be broken if certain Anti-Hack software is actively running on the computer.  Your best bet is to try enabling CSMMT before starting the application that causes problems, and avoid using Macros.

CSMMT may not run properly after running any Anti-Hack solution, even after the game you were playing has been closed (this is because many Anti-Hack solutions actually alter other programs in memory)..  As such it may be necessary to reload CSMMT to undo any damage.


            --CSMMT 1.1 includes improvements that should hopefully increase compatibility with some of game protection software.

CSMMT does not restrict mouse movement and or macros don’t work. (program does not function just sitting on the Windows Desktop)

Most likely you're running something on your system that's conflicting with CSMMT such as HIPS (Host Intrusion Prevention) software.  If you're running any software such as ProcessGuard, Windows Defender, or certain protection suites you may need to add an exception for CSMMT to work properly.  Adding an exception varies depending on the solution you use and you will need to consult the product's documentation for how to do so.  After you have added an exception make sure that you fully close and restart CSMMT (to avoid issues).

To minimally function properly, CSMMT needs the ability to install Hooks and Drivers, file read access (for loading its key layout), and to be allowed read/write Registry access (to HKEY_CURRENT_USER).

*If the installation of Hooks or Drivers are blocked, you will likely get an error message on starting the program (and it likely won’t work at all).

*If all of CSMMT's filters fail to load, the program simply won’t work.

*If its keyboard filter is blocked and cannot load, Macros will not function but the program should still be usable via the GUI interface.

*If CSMMT cannot access the registry, configuration data will not be loaded and the defaults will be used.  Since settings are done in real time, you will be locked into the default settings if CSMMT cannot write to the registry.

Macro Suppression isn’t working in certain programs.

            Please make sure that you’re using the 64bit version of CSMMT if you have a 64bit OS and that CSMMT.  The 64bit version of CSMMT has far greater compatibility than the 32bit version on 64bit Windows.  Please also make sure that CSMMT is running before the application is started.

While there are a few means of input where Macro Suppression won’t work, it should work in virtually everything.  If you’ve done the above and suppression still doesn’t work in a certain program, you can write to to have it looked into.

I have lost my product key, what should I do?

            Please email using the email address that you used to register the product, and title the email clearly with the product name “CSMMT” in the subject.

            If it’s not possible to use the email that you registered the product with (or if you no longer can access this email address), please provide as many details on your purchase as you can (such as name, email address, date) so that we can help you out.

I have entered in my product key and the program is not registering!

Please make sure that you are copying and pasting in your Registration Key.  The key must be entered exactly and without any portions of your confirmation email.

If you are certain that the registration key has been entered correctly and CSMMT is still not registering, then please write to so that we can look into any potential registration problem.


--You should also check if your settings are being saved/loaded correctly in CSMMT.  If CSMMT cannot write to the registry, then you cannot register it.  See the question "I keep getting an error message in CSMMT's log that says "Registry write failed!".  I can't set any settings or Macros." for more info.

I keep getting an error message in CSMMT's log that says "Registry write failed!".  I can't set any settings or Macros.

Chances are that you're running something that's blocking CSMMT from writing to the registry.  As for why you can't change any settings, CSMMT commits all settings to the registry immediately.  If a registry write fails most settings won’t take effect … the user is instead notified with this message and CSMMT stops whatever it was doing.  If there's nothing blocking registry access then this error shouldn’t happen.

Please check that you're not running anything on your machine that blocks writing to the registry (such as a system settings protector).  In the event that you are running any protection software you will need to make an exception for CSMMT.

CSMMT usually works fine, but won't in a certain game or program that does not use any Anti-Hack solution.

If you've found a program that CSMMT doesn't work with and are certain it’s not using any Anti-Hack style solutions, please write to so that we can try to find a resolution for it.  If there's a trial version of the software, please also point to where it can be attained in the email.


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